How much would you pay for YouTube, Facebook, or Instagram?

Less than $ 2 a month for Snapchat, 50 cents more for Instagram and more than 4 euros for YouTube. How much would you pay to use these apps? Credits: McGuffin. Under $ 2 a month for Snapchat, more than $ 4 for YouTube Most of the most popular applications are free: YouTube, Google Maps, Facebook, Instagram .Rajput Status Hindi | Royal Rajput Status | Rajputana Status In English | Rajput Attitude Status | Rajput Love Status | Rajput Shayari.. What would happen if these applications became profitable? To find out, McGuffin conducted a survey of 2,000 people. Objective: to know the propensity to pay users of these free applications. Result: 89% of WhatsApp users would be willing to pay a sum each month to access the application. Conversely, only 64% of Facebook users would agree to pay each month to go on the social network. Regarding prices, the differences are important: YouTube is in the lead, with $ 4.20 per month. Google Maps and Google Drive follow the video platform. At the bottom of the pack, we find Pinterest ($ 2.11), Snapchat ($ 1.89) and Yelp ($ 1.87). McGuffin notices differences between respondents. Women would be willing to pay 20% more than men for Google Rajput Status Hindi | Royal Rajput Status | Rajputana Status In English | Rajput Attitude Status | Rajput Love Status | Rajput Shayari Maps, Facebook and Pinterest. Millennials would pay 78% more than baby boomers for Instagram. Revenue from Reddit and YouTube could fly (or not) The group also made a projection, based on survey results, to determine the impact of a change in business model on business turnover. Among the apps offered, Reddit would benefit from the highest rate of evolution of the CA - but in value, it is YouTube that would pull out of the game. Projection: the evolution of the turnover of mobile applications thanks to a paying model. Credit: McGuffin. Of course, these figures are to be relativised; these are just projections, based on a survey. No one really knows how much everyone would be willing to pay if these applications really opt for a paid model. Above all, the transition to a paid model of one of these popular applications would transform the ecosystem and allow the emergence of free alternatives, with a non-negligible impact on these projections a little simplistic.
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